Sort of In Order

Front - Marvin McDonald, Mickey Sawrie
Next - Kenny Murphy, Frances Galloway, Garrah Halford, Tim Brocato, Darrell Blair, Bobby Barron
Next - Jack Breithaupt, Stephen Irving, Fee Mullen, Mike Withrow, Bob Geddie, David Holder, Ronnie Moreau, Sandy Farmer, Charlotte Rosier, Hope Hargis, Susan Jarred, Vicki Delaney, Gervais Compton, Jeannine Hawkins, Lyn Rollins, Taylor Thompson, Nanette Wolff
Next - Dianne Stracener, Barbara Hargis, Lynn Davis, Nancy Kennington, Judy Pearce, Sherry Sprinkle, Maureen Williams, Susan Richardson, Carlyss Sumner, Ellen Heitkamp, Johnny Dauzart
Back - Kay Freet, Kathy Meir, Vicki Murphy, Pat Grubb, PeeWee Hathorn, Kathy Derbonne, Paula Kees, David Cartwright, Sharon Waters, Cindy Carter, Mary Smith

Monday, October 10, 2011

News from George Dezendorf

This is the deck at the Dezendorf residence
 in Pagosa Spring, Colorado
(be certain to click the image for a better look)

Dick Easterling trying his hand at quick draw. 
He needs to learn the 'get low' stance that George displays
to become a harder target for your opponent to hit. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 2011 Gathering in Cenla

Several classmates gathered at Rocky's in Bunkie
for fellowship and food.
Sam Tucker listening to Garrah Halford Peters wtih Gary Dunn eaves-dropping
Mickey Sawrie, Cindy Carter, Colleen Dunn, Bobby Barron, Sam Tucker and Sam's grandson.
 Garrah and Cindy embracing, Gary and Colleen Dunn
 Bobby and Doris Barron, Maureen Williams Tucker and Sam
 Marlene Sawrie, Gary Dunn, Cindy Carter and Garrah Halford Peters
 Mickey and Marlene Sawrie
 Doris Barron, Maureen Williams and her grandson

This should be the frist photo, but this blog business doesn't behave very well
Rearranging the tables so we can all join in the discussions
Mickey Sawrie, Doris and Bobby Barron, Sam Tucker and Charles Peters
Y'all Dunn good!!!
Marlene Sawrie, Gary Dunn, Dianne McDonald and Garrah Halford Peters

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cindy Carter at the Bronx Zoo with Grandson Desmond

Cindy recently traveled to New York City
 to visit her grandson,
 and while there, she
visited her daughter and son-in-law.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Bobby Barron's grandson Seth Bynog attended a workshop at Lowe's and learned to make a race car.
Lowe's vehemently denies that they're teaching young boys to want to spend thousands of dollars on tools and machinery and loads of raw materials.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cenla Gathering, April 2011

The classmates gathered on Saturday evening at

Don's Cajun Catfish in Lecompte.

The crawfish were OK, and the other selections were really good.

Maureen Williams Tucker and her husband Sam.

Danny Lemoine and his wife Linda, and Marvin's wife, Dianne McDonald.

Bobby and Dorris Baron.

Jack and Helen Beeson Nichols and Cindy Carter.

The photographer failed to get pictures of all attendees.

Payment for his services is being withheld.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Jo Layton Sprinkle and her husband Warren in Australia

Jo reports they had great fun seeing the sightsand hearing the sounds of Australia.

Some evidence is offered here: This is one-of-many pure, white beaches on one of the Whitsunday Islands

Even if it were worth only one word, this photo would tell you where they were. A 2-person camper van they rented to tour Australia during their one month stay there.

This is a view of the area around the Sydney Opera House.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gathing on Bayou Roberts

We were privileged indeed to gather at the home
of Frances Galloway Hargis
Looking for Youth that we had just yesterday!

Helen Beeson, Frances Galloway, Nancy Richey, Garrah Halford
Gary Dunn, Cindy Carter, Marvin McDonald

Dianne McDonald, Gary Dunn, Sam Tucker, Charles Peters, Garrah Halford, Darrel Blair

Garrah Halford shows Darrell Blair how to Watusi

Maureen Williams wishing her plate had sideboards
with Frances Galloway in the background

Cindy Carter's words rolling off Nancy Richey's back

Nancy Richey, Frances Galloway, Garrah Halford, Cindy Carter
Gary Dunn, Marvin McDonald

Mickey Sawrie, Doris Barron, Darrell Blair, Bobby Barron

Nancy Richey, Frances Galloway, Cindy Carter, Garrah Halford
and of course, only one speaks at a time!

Darrell Blair, norraB siroD, Bobby Barron, norraB ybboB

You should'a been there!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Judy Bell Broxson's Good-looking Brood

That's Judy in the leopard collar.
Don't know if some are left-handed
or if that was the nostril with the booger,
but there was one pre-picked nose.